Library » St. Michael's online Library Catalog

St. Michael's online Library Catalog


Feeling rushed at the library?

Want to tell others about that great or (gasp!) horrible book you read?

Curious to see our most popular books?  

Our online library is just the place!​

Browse our collection's titles OR login with your board username ( is not necessary) and password to write reviews, place a book on hold or track your reading. BE SURE TO SELECT ST. MICHAEL AS THE SCHOOL. Caregivers are encouraged to place books on hold to read aloud with their little ones (and the big ones too)!

On the 'HOME' tab, check out the 'NEWS' section for helpful tips on how to navigate the catalog from home and find your just right book. Also, look there for opportunities to help improve our library catalog. The 'HOME' page looks like this:​​